Page 15 - Il figliuol prodigo
P. 15


         14 Ora, speso che ebbe ogni      After he had spent everything,
         cosa, venne una grande care-     there was a severe famine in
         stia  in quel paese, ed egli co-  that whole country, and he
         minciò a essere nel bisogno.     began to be in need. 15 So he
         15 E andò, e si mise a servizio  went and hired himself out to
         di un abitante di quel paese,    a citizen of that country,
         che lo mandò nei suoi campi a  who sent him to his fields to
         pascolare porci. 16 Ed egli      feed pigs. 16 He longed to fill
         volentieri si sarebbe sfamato    his stomach with the pods that
         con le carrube che mangiava-     the pigs were eating, but no
         no i porci, e nessuno gliene     one gave him anything.17
         da-va. 17 Allora, tornato in     “When he came to his senses,
         sé, disse: Quanti salariati di   he said, ‘How many of my
         mio padre abbondano di pane,  father’s hired servants have
         mentre io qui muoio di fame!  food to spare, and here I am
         18 Mi alzerò, andrò da mio       starving to death! 18 I will set
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