Page 43 - La Gatta racconta la storia della sia fiaba - PussTells the History of Her Fairy Tale
P. 43

But why did Perrault call me Monsieur? Maybe I
           had lost all of my femininity by not taking care of
           my cleanliness anymore.
             I have to admit that when Perrault told me that
           in his version of my tale I was not a she-cat
           anymore, but had turned into a he-cat, I kept
           silent for a whole day.
             Eventually I came to terms with this change,
           remembering that the Greek prophet Tiresia,
           who was born male, changed into female for
           seven years and then became male again. I simply
           did the opposite, because in this tabtale I am a
           she-cat again, as I had been for Straparola and
             So you can also see how I would never take off
           my new boots, since they are so comfortable and
           elegant. Besides this significant change, Perrault
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