Page 39 - La Gatta racconta la storia della sia fiaba - PussTells the History of Her Fairy Tale
P. 39

mine was one of his favorites.
             - I would be honored to have you as my guest, -
           he said, - and since my desire is that you quickly
           recover, I will order my cook to prepare
           whatever you wish. Then I’ll commission for you
           a pair of soft boots and a plumed hat, so that you
           can come with me to hunt in the Royal Reserve.
             Obviously, I accepted. It came again to my mind
           that fairy tales come true, as I remembered a
           saying that Basile wrote at the end of one of his
           stories: do a good deed and then forget it. It seemed
           to me that when one does something good the
           reward sooner or later comes: on that gorgeous
           coach I forgot the donkey’s kicks.

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