Page 45 - La Gatta racconta la storia della sia fiaba - PussTells the History of Her Fairy Tale
P. 45

made other innovations. Now I belonged to a
           father, as in Basile’s version, but he was not poor.
           Maybe the Sun King did not like to listen to
           stories of extreme poverty, even though many of
           his subjects were very poor. That father was a
           miller, and his two elder sons inherited their
           father’s mill and donkey. And - wouldn’t you have
           guessed? - the youngest brother inherited only
           me, a he-cat now, named Puss. This poor lad as
           well starved, and I decided to change his destiny.
           I asked him only for a pair of soft boots, to hunt
           better than ever. I really was a smart hunter,
           because I could go everywhere with my boots,
           and my conversation was gracious as if I were
           speaking with the Sun King.
             I used the same the ruses that you know of
           already, presenting my preys to the king in the
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