Page 47 - La Gatta racconta la storia della sia fiaba - PussTells the History of Her Fairy Tale
P. 47

name of my noble master and then arranging for
           the usual river meeting. Everything worked out
           for me and for my dear master, now named
           Marquis de Carabas. After this Perrault gifted me
           with an episode of my story that had never been
           written before, which I am proud of more than of
           my new boots and plumed hat. I think that this
           new part, that you all know, is even more
           significant than my new male sex. In those ancient
           times a male was held in higher regard than a
           female. Perrault made me perform the feat of
           challenging and defeating an ogre.
             In the 16 century version of my tale I got
           mansion and estates for my master thanks to an
           accident that happened to their true owner. In the
           17 century version of my tale, instead, my master
           bought them with the rich dowry of the princess he
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