Page 43 - Donkey Skin
P. 43
endant ce temps, la princesse o the princess clothed herself in
cheminait. Elle alla loin, bien loin, encore the ass's skin, and slipped from the palace
plus loin, et cherchait partout une place. without being seen by anyone.
Mais, quoique par charité on lui donnât à Directly she was missed there was a great
manger, on la trouvait si crasseuse que hue and cry, and every corner, possible
personne n'en voulait. and impossible, was searched. Then the
Cependant, elle entra dans une belle king sent out parties along all the roads,
ville, à la porte de laquelle était une but the fairy threw her invisible mantle
métairie, dont la fermière avait besoin over the girl when they approached, and
d'une souillon pour laver les torchons, et none of them could see her.
nettoyer les dindons et l'auge des The princess walked on a long, long way,
cochons. Cette femme, voyant cette trying to find some one who would take
voyageuse si malpropre, lui proposa her in, and let her work for them; but
d'entrer chez elle, ce que l'Infante though the cottagers, whose houses she
accepta de grand coeur, tant elle était passed, gave her food from charity, the
lasse d'avoir tant marché. ass's skin was so dirty they would not
On la mit dans un coin reculé de la allow her to enter their houses. For her
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