Page 33 - La Gatta racconta la storia della sia fiaba - PussTells the History of Her Fairy Tale
P. 33

would abandon him. Basile knew many parvenus
           who had become noble through buying a title,
           and could afford to enjoy the company of a fine
           scholar and writer such as he. He might also have
           gone through their uncouthness and ingratitude,
           and he might have represented himself as the
           generous, polite and smart cat. I converse with a
           king and I change a poor devil into a lord, just
           through kindness, talent, eloquence, fantasy. Isn’t
           just that what every artist wishes were the case?
           The art and talent of a she-cat makes this wish
           come true. Isn’t this just the reason why
           everybody all over the world loves me, the cat?
             If Basile was angry and sad because some
           parvenu rednecks scorned him, he could tell
           about this. There is nothing you cannot use for

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