Page 17 - La Gatta racconta la storia della sia fiaba - PussTells the History of Her Fairy Tale
P. 17

stopped starving, but he was still mangy. I led
           him to the river to clean him up, and then I licked
           his body everywhere. Voilà! His skin was smooth
           and free from flaws, and he looked like a true
             I do not understand why nobody except
           Straparola tells of how I made my master
           Fortunato beautiful. Cats clean themselves with
           their tongue, and they make their kittens
           beautiful in the same way.
             I convinced my new story-tellers to rewrite this
           endeavor of mine, but they could only do it in the
           e-book. Walter Crane, who provided them with
           his images, never painted anything of the way I
           cured my master of scabies and ringworm.
             Then I put that plan of mine to use, pretending
           that some racketeers had robbed my master, and
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