Page 53 - La Gatta con gli stivali - Puss in Boots
P. 53

you don't mind."
             The Marquis gave his hand to the princess, and
           followed the king, who went first. After the tour
           they came out into the garden where they found
           a magnificent table, and enjoyed the excellent
           courses. Then Puss in person came to serve the
           spirits. His majesty was perfectly charmed with
           the good qualities of Marquis of Carabas, as was
           his daughter, who had fallen violently in love with
           him, and, seeing the vast estate he possessed, he
           joined the hands of the young lovers and said to
           Fortunio: "Since I see that you love my daughter
           as well as she loves you, I bless your wedding."
             The Marquis, making several low bows, thanked
           his majesty for the honuor which he conferred
           upon him and that very same day he __

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