Page 37 - La Gatta con gli stivali - Puss in Boots
P. 37

answered altogether, for the cat's threats had
           frightened them.
             "You see, sir," said the Marquis, "this is a
           meadow which never fails to yield a plentiful
           harvest every year."
             The master cat, still running on ahead, met with
           some reapers, and said to them, "My good
           fellows, if you do not tell the king that all this
           grain belongs to the Marquis of Carabas, you shall
           be chopped up like mincemeat."
             The king, who passed by a moment later, asked
           them whose grain it was that they were reaping.
             "It belongs to my Lord Marquis of Carabas,"
           replied the reapers, which pleased both the king
           and the Marquis. The king congratulated him for
           his fine harvest. The master cat continued to run
           ahead and said the same words to all he met. The
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